岁月嫣然 发表于 2017-4-28 10:23:21

【五一快乐】脑波助眠音乐 Dr. Jeffrey Thompson 合集 66CDs【FLAC/BD】

本帖最后由 岁月嫣然 于 2017-4-28 10:23 编辑 <br /><br /><DIV align=center><FONT face=微软雅黑><FONT size=4><STRONG><FONT color=red>五一小长假快到了,提前发帖祝贺五一到来,祝大家假期过得开开心心!</FONT></STRONG></FONT></FONT></DIV>
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<DIV align=center><EMBED src=http://ftp1.oolove.com/sy/Sample/player1.swf?file=http://ftp1.oolove.com/sy/Sample2/DrJeffreyThompson-AdagioforStrings.mp3&amp;songVolume=100&amp;backColor=003333&amp;frontColor=ffff33&amp;autoStart=true&amp;repeatPlay=true&amp;showDownload=false width=250 height=20 type=application/x-shockwave-flash quality="high" wmode="transparent"></EMBED></DIV>
<P align=center><BR><BR><FONT color=seagreen>【Album Info】</FONT><BR></P>
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<P align=center><FONT color=olive>艺人名称 : Dr. Jeffrey Thompson<BR>专辑名称 : Discography<BR>音乐风格 : 脑波助眠音乐<BR>国家地区 : United States of America 美国<BR>发行年代 : 1988-2010<BR>音乐格式 : FLAC<BR>音乐品质 : Lossless | 610 kbps | 44100 Hz | Stereo | 2 Channel<BR>容量大小 : 16.3 GB<BR></FONT><FONT color=olive>参考网站 :</FONT> <A href="http://www.soundstrue.com/store/jeffrey-thompson-5379.html" target=_blank>http://www.soundstrue.com/store/jeffrey-thompson-5379.html</A><BR><BR><BR><FONT color=seagreen>【About Artist】</FONT><BR></P>
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<P align=left><FONT color=olive>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;睡眠障碍治疗音乐在美国已有二十五年以上的临床经验,由著名音乐治疗专家杰弗利·汤普逊博士(Dr. Jeffrey Thompson)率领一群科学家、医界精英和工程师成立的[助眠音乐实验室]所研发而成。睡眠障碍治疗音乐也是一种立体结构双脑同步共振音乐,它采用自然谐和的声波,和人体脑细胞相互共振,激发有益的睡眠脑波,使人体自动进入相关的睡眠状态,无需依赖药物,是目前全世界最流行的辅助性治疗音乐。<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;德尔塔(δ)脑波助眠音乐:δ波的频率是0-3赫兹,δ波为优势脑波时,为深度熟睡,无意识状态。人的睡眠品质好坏与δ波有非常直接的关联;如果在辗转难眠时,能让自己召唤出近似δ波边缘状态的身心感觉,您就可以很快地摆脱失眠并进入深沉睡眠,真正睡美容觉追求的就是这种时间短深入的睡眠。此外,根据科学研究,δ波亦是开发人类直觉雷达系统,以及超能神秘力量的关键。<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dr. Jeffrey Thompson began experimenting with sound and its effects on the body and brain in 1981 at his Holistic Health Center in Virginia. His experiments involved using exact sound frequencies to make chiropractic spinal and cranial adjustments, to stimulate and normalize organ function, and to balance acupuncture meridians. His clinical research with thousands of patients and volunteers led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns, built into musical soundtracks, can e**ain brainwaves and trigger numerous health benefits. Dr. Thompson continued his scientific clinical research at a graduate school and research center in Encinitas, California, for many years. A member of the faculty, he taught behavioral psycho-acoustics and clinical neuroacoustic therapy courses, recognized by the state of California as part of the core curriculum for the clinical psychotherapy and human science master's and PhD programs. Dr. Thompson currently teaches at various institutions and through sponsored seminars, workshops, and certification courses. (转载自网络)<BR></FONT></P>
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<DIV align=center><BR><BR><FONT color=seagreen>【Album List】</FONT></DIV>
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<P align=center><FONT color=olive>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Awakened Mind System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Journey 4CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Nature Suite 4CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Suite 4CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave Symphony 4CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Breathe<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Celestian Dolphin<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Child of A Dream<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Converted Music<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Creative Mind System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Creative Mind System 2.0<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Delta Sleep System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Delta Sleep System 2.0<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Dolphin Touch<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Dreamy Music for Sleep<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Egg of Time<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Epsilon<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Gamma Meditation System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Healing Mind System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Healing Mind System 2.0<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Hypergamma Meditation System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Isle of Skye<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Lambda Meditation<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Music for Brainwave Massage<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Music for Brainwave Massage 2.0<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Music for Sleep 4CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Nasa Voyager Recordings 11CDs<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Natural Music For Sleep<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Ocean Waves<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Psycho-Sensory Integration Series<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Sapphire Skies<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Sleep TV<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Sleepy Ocean<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Sonic Labyrinth<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Soothing Music for Sleep<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Sri Ya**a<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - The Ultimate Nap<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Theta Meditation System<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Thunder Storm<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Unwind<BR>Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Windows<BR></FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=seagreen>【Download】</FONT><BR></P>
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岁月嫣然 发表于 2017-4-28 10:23:22

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暗夜·冷殇 发表于 2017-4-28 21:08:09


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crystal99902222 发表于 2020-3-10 02:26:46


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