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[国外流行] Ocean Rose,经典老歌一曲

发表于 2017-4-28 22:21:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
夜来听海,晨起观日,不曾忘记属于心田里的那片海,夜很深,海很蓝,风有点冷,和你很近。 She was a silent white rose 她是一朵安静的白玫瑰 who lived in a tall iron tower 住在高高的铁塔里 Barefoot she wandered in her room 她赤脚在房中徘徊 dreaming of life and a lover 梦想一种生活,一个爱人 And in a night she threw a net 夜里她撒下一张网 into the ocean wide and deep 投向深远的海洋 And some of the things she caught in there 从中收获的事物 made her sad and made her weep 使她悲伤,使她哭泣 A fiery warmth embraced her heart 温暖拥抱了她的心 when sunrays caught her hair 阳光洒在她发上 And then she looked upon the world 她仰望世界 her longing got hard to bear 难以忍受自己的渴望 She was locked in an iron tower 她被所在高高的铁塔中 with windows but no doors to be found 可以瞭望却无法走出 Often she listened hard at night 深夜她努力聆听 for a voice in the ocean's sound 想听见大海的声音 And voices was mingling with her own 那声音和她的心声融合 waves were singing,flee the tower 海浪在吟唱,逃离铁塔 By the stairway that takes you down 从楼梯带你下去 follow the ocean's song my flower 我亲爱的花儿 跟着大海的歌唱 Silent the rose went down 玫瑰静静地走下 she was shivering in the dark and the cold 她在黑暗和寒冷中颤抖 Through in an opening in the wall 透过墙上的一个缺口 the ocean sang as fortold 她听到大海在吟唱 Floating upon the warm blue sea 漂浮在温暖的蓝色海洋 by the waves to a shore she was led 海浪将她带到岸边 Among the trees red roses grow 红玫瑰在林中绽放 and the white rose turned to red... 白玫瑰也变成红色


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
暗夜·冷殇 + 10


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发表于 2017-4-29 15:39:34 | 显示全部楼层
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